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With the cost of living crisis beginning to really bite we've put together some interesting and useful information, tips and resource links, which we hope you will find helpful.

World Energy News

The International Energy Agency (IEA) says that Heat Pumps have emerged as “the central technology in the global transition to secure and sustainable heating” in it's first global assessment of thes devices.


They predict that Heat pumps will provide one-fifth of the world’s heating needs by the end of the decade if nations follow through on their stated plans.

Energy Saving Tips

When not in use, exclude drafts from your chimney and save up to 10% on your heating bills with a chimney balloon or chimney sheep

If you are on certain benefits and your house is very energy inefficient you can get an ECO(Energy Company Obligation) grant to insulate your home from your Energy Supplier. For more details click here

Do you have a combi-boiler (no water tank but instant hot water) and want to save on your gas bill? Click here.

How do you make sure new appliances or products you are buying are as energy efficient as possible?

The Energy Saving Trust provide impartial advice about buying more energy efficient products and include other helpful energy saving information on their website:

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